Yesterday I read that Cleveland Browns safety Ray Ventrone, as reported by the Associated Press, accused the Ravens offensive players of being dirty.
“Watch the film, man. There was some dirty stuff going on.”
Ventrone added, “There was just stuff that was happening after the play, during the play. There was some unnecessary stuff that was happening to our defensive backs most specifically.”
I just have one question: “Who the hell is Ray Ventrone?”
Apparently he’s just another crybaby from the city that never stops whining.
Speaking of Cleveland the NFL Network will air Cleveland ’95: A Football Life tomorrow night at 8PM. Here’s a SNEAK PREVIEW.
It’s only natural for Baltimoreans to scoff at the cry-me-a-dirty-lake behavior of Clevelanders when they lost the Browns. I’ll spare you the details that you know by heart but their loss doesn’t compare to Baltimore’s loss of the Colts.
But that said, it was a loss – a big one for the fans of Cleveland.
Who knows what might have happened had the Browns stayed in Cleveland? Maybe they would have won the Super Bowl as Ozzie Newsome confidently states during the show.
Maybe not.
Maybe Bill Belichick would become the Bill Belichick he is today had Art Modell opted to stay in Cleveland. Maybe if Modell kept him on in Baltimore, Belichick would have won multiple Super Bowls here in The Land of Pleasant Living.
Maybe not.
Maybe without Tom Brady, Belichick is just some coach that we used to know.
Revisionist history aside what we have today in Cleveland is a town that is scarred by Modell’s move – scars that won’t heal because the new Browns have been regularly awful and the old Browns (dba The Baltimore Ravens) are not.
Therein lies the rub and the airing of this program will certainly serve as a truckload of salt to old, open wounds.
Stock up on tissues Clevelanders.