The Mojo man was cruising the Beltway on Thursday afternoon and was faced with quite a dilemma…listen to Fred Manfra misjudge fly balls in a blowout loss by the O’s; pretend to be a cricket and listen to Jerry Coleman’s sound effects; or tune in to WNST and listen to Nestor Aparicio beat a dead horse completely into submission with his incessant complaining about how the Orioles are run.
Talk about a sports radio strike out…
Mr. M.R. chose WNST where the Orioles whining gave way to self promoting. Aparicio sounded his own trumpet, proud as a peacock over the heavy afternoon volume on his website. No, there was no breaking sports news or insightful commentary leading the click through charge but instead videos of the American Idol performers caught backstage with Aparicio.
I’m sure sponsors of WNST pay for the desirable demographic of 25-52 year old men with disposable income, not the teenage girls who clicked through to fawn over their American Idols and then ask Mommy and Daddy for money to spend at Hollister.
The A.C. Milan v. Chelsea match was one for the ages for local area soccer fans. The City of Baltimore and the Baltimore Ravens stepped up in a big way to present the match. Fans from all over the country visited the Land of Pleasant Living and were greeted by an outstanding presentation almost without exception.
Soccer aficionados had one complaint – the P.A. Announcer. He offered little and if anything was a bit of a buzzkill for the 70,000 plus. Clearly said announcer has no feel for the game but in his defense he might have a hard time telling the difference between a futbol and a volleyball. Sometimes it’s better just to say nothing and if the fans had any say in the matter, they would have pulled the plug on that microphone. If it’s any consolation to all you soccer faithful, the Mojo Man would like to do the same between 1-3PM on 105.7 The Fan. Misery loves company…
First it was music, now its gym class…that’s what the public school system is thinking about pulling from their elementary and high schools. So what will the future consist of in American sports, strained thumb tendons from video games and a bunch of foreign athletes looking to capitalize on the laziness of Americana?
Mojo has had the luxury of visiting Westminster a couple of times this summer to watch the home town team. Wide receiver has been a position of interest for quite a while in this neck of the woods and when observing the different receivers in camp, it’s hard not to notice Justin Harper. Perhaps more than any other receiver judging from Mojo observations and after reading various reports, the second year Virginia Tech receiver and 2008 7th round pick has hit pay dirt more than all other receivers in camp.
Now we hear that the Ravens like Marcus Smith (a fourth round pick in ’08) a bit more because of his toughness and special teams abilities. Unfortunately for Smith, his hands are tough as well. The Ravens have plenty of athletes who can contribute to Jerry Rosburg’s unit. What they don’t have enough of are receivers making plays and that is exactly what Harper is doing and it is exactly what Smith is NOT doing.
Recently Jim Harbaugh said that the best players will play regardless of their paychecks. Let’s hope the Ravens have the guts to keep the best players regardless of where in the draft they were selected.
Speaking of wide receivers, Mojo is wondering if Ozzie has placed a call or two to Mike Singletary regarding Michael Crabtree. Crabtree is being advised by his cousin and that is usually a recipe for disaster at the bargaining table, particularly if said cousin has next to no experience in such matters. The former Texas Tech star is now threatening to sit out all of 2009 and re-enter the draft in 2010.
What might it take to pry away Crabtree – a one and a two plus a player?
Crabtree in crab town – a match made in heaven hon!