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Matt Birk kicks off Back-to-School Program

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Baltimore Ravens center Matt Birk hosted nearly 150 Baltimore-area elementary school students for a school supply distribution at Walmart on Saturday morning. The youth received necessary school supplies and backpacks to allow them to start the school year off on the right foot.

“Education is incredibly important to me, and through the generous support of Walmart, our hope is that we are removing an obstacle in the way of children learning,” Birk stated. “By providing school supplies, we hope that children can center their focus on learning, instead of worrying about not having all of the necessary school supplies.”

“Walmart is proud to partner with Matt Birk’s HIKE Foundation to provide much needed back-to-school supplies to at-risk youth in Baltimore,” said Alex Barron, regional general manager and senior director for Walmart. “Both Walmart and the HIKE Foundation share the common goal of providing kids the resources that they need to succeed in school.”

"The more kids hear that having an education is a huge key in life the better. If it comes from a football player it may be a little unique to them and may help them even more to realize the importance of an education." remarked Birk when asked about the importance of education to kids.

Birks’ HIKE (Hope, Inspiration, Knowledge, Education) Foundation was formed in 2002 to provide at-risk children with the educational opportunities needed to excel in the classroom and in life. The veteran center’s own family was on hand to assist Birk in handing out the backpacks. "I think it is important that my children understand the importance of giving back when they are in a position to do so."

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