Matthew Edward, Fresh Competition, and Kenny Silk burst onto the scene last year with their Ravens anthem titled “Ravens Nation.”
It was a kick-ass song to pump up Ravens fans for the playoff run, and included what’s probably my favorite lyric that I’ve ever heard on any of the various “pump-up” type videos floating around the web:
Lombardi, I’m sorry, it’s a B-More party and the trophy’s leaving town
In the arms of the flock to the city by the dock, Johnny U would be so proud
Charm City’s feeling good, from the Harbor to the ‘hood,
cuz we move those chains, move those chains, move those chains, hooh!
The guys updated the lyrics for 2013 (while keeping the majority of the above), but it still has the same basic feel and makes me want to run through a brick wall.
Anyway, if it’s not your kind of thing than feel free to ignore this post.
As for me, I’ll probably listen to this song and watch the video about 520 times between now and Saturday.
[youtube width=”638″ height=”516″][/youtube]
And here’s last year’s version:
[youtube width=”638″ height=”516″][/youtube]