I have a new idea for NFL-related commercials during 2015 TV broadcasts.
For starters, before we get to the NEW idea, let’s get rid of an OLD idea — those embarrassing “No More” spots where players and even celebrities are in front of the camera half-crying and saying “No More” in reference to domestic violence. Here’s an idea for the NFL. If you’re THAT serious about having your players stay off the police blotter for slugging their female counterparts, simply tell them “if you hit your significant other, you won’t be allowed to play in the league NO MORE.” That might get their attention and it will save all of us from snickering on Sundays when we we see those commercials next season.
Now, for the commercial idea. And, ironically, it too features a “No More” angle.
How about promoting this, NFL?
Let’s start protecting the people who are keeping the league afloat — namely, the fans who go to the games, buy the beer, pay to park and watch the league on television.
Drew’s Morning Dish took two buses full of 80 people to New England on Saturday for the Ravens game. Most of those folks were, naturally, decked out in some sort of Ravens apparel, as were nearly (by my estimation) 3,000 others who made the trek to Foxborough. The treatment they were afforded inside Gillette Stadium was reprehensible. I’m sure other groups from Baltimore who ventured up I-95 for the game received the same “welcome” from those neanderthals in New England.
Now, not every single person in my group was terrorized, but a good number of them were. And, not all who were terrorized where put-off by it, as some were able to do the “give and take” with the Patriots fans who were jazzin’ them.
Some, though, had females in their group, children with them, etc. and the treatment from people in New England was disgraceful. I’ve seen enough Facebook posts over the last three days to know that lots of folks in the stadium who were from Baltimore had concern for their safety throughout the game.
I’m not here to tell people in New England, Pittsburgh, Baltimore or Cleveland to act like adults next season. If your personal character is such that you have to harass and physically intimidate people who are simply sitting there in YOUR stadium watching a football game, then I’m not going to be able to help you get with the program. If you’re an a-hole, you’re an a-hole — and that’s not changing.
What I am saying, though, is that the league should take this matter VERY seriously and so, too, should the fans in the seats. The burden should be on all of us to immediately report one of those derelicts who “accidentally” pours beer on an opposing fan, removes someone’s hat on a 15 degree day and doesn’t return it or any other form of idiotic behavior that’s designed to take away from someone’s enjoyment of the game.
It shouldn’t matter at all if you’re in Baltimore, as a Ravens fan, and a guy in your section is harassing a Steelers or Patriots fan…it simply SHOULDN’T happen.
You all (I don’t pay for tickets, so I’m speaking FOR YOU, now) pay too much money for your seats and invest too much of your disposable income to support the football franchise to have your experience ruined by some Fred Flintstone jag-off in New England who sits there all game and puts his knee in your back because “doze guyz who built deez seats built em too close to each udder, didn’t dey?” Meanwhile, his friends giggle and and fist bump one another, something they probably also did in 12th grade when they finally passed Introduction to Algebra.
The league is worried about their football players who can’t stay off of Adderall. They’re concerned about their employees being involved in domestic violence. They have a stringent drug and alcohol policy in place for those who can’t stop abusing those products.
Well, the fans should be worried about their own safety in the stadium and in 2015, there should be a unified stance among those who go in to the 32 facilities to watch the games.
“I don’t care if you’re a fan of my team. I don’t care that you sit next to me for all the games. I don’t care if you’re a friend. I don’t care if you’re a co-worker. If you act like a complete prick to an opposing fan (or any fan, for that matter), I’m getting security and I’m demanding that you be removed from your seat.”
It’s time the fans said “No More” to these clowns like we experienced in Gillette Stadium on Saturday night.
And that goes for you, too, in Baltimore. And if this hurts your feelings, so be it.
If you’re one of those guys (or girls) who gets drunk at the games and tries to instigate trouble with opposing fans, you, too, are a neanderthal that deserves to be escorted out of the stadium.
It’s a freakin’ football game, folks. Try to remember that in 2015.
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