So Where Are The Best Ravens Fans?
The State of Maryland consists of twenty-four counties. A few have ties to Baltimore while others have allegiances to Washington, DC. So naturally the State is split between Ravens fans and Redskins fans.
Of course there are Maryland citizens who claim ties to other NFL teams outside the area. Many in Southern Maryland and in the DC burbs wear the colors of the Redskins bitter rival, the Dallas Cowboys. Similarly, the Baltimore Metro Area is peppered with knucklehead Maryland natives who sport the black and yellow colors of the Ravens’ fiercest rival on Sundays.
And yes, it is yellow.
A typical yellow Marylander story goes like this:
“Well when the Colts left Baltimore my sister’s other brother from West Virginia used to have a great uncle who wore his Franco Harris jersey to Pete’s Pierogi Bar in downtown Morgantown every Sunday. He even gave me one of his old Terrible Towels so it was just a matter of time before I got my own Rocky Bleier jersey. I was hooked like a tackle box.”
But I digress…
In this edition of The Edgar Awards we are in search of the best Ravens fans in The Land of Pleasant Living. Where do they reside?
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What Are The Edgar Awards?
You remember the original Ravens mascots – of course you do! Edgar, Allen and Poe once enthusiastically engaged fans at Ravens stadium. As you know, Edgar and Allan retired, most likely to a cushy nest somewhere warm. And with all due respect to Allan, we’ve plucked Edgar over Allan from retirement for no other reason than “The Edgars” has a nice ring to it.
The Edgars will consider all walks of fandom as it relates to the Ravens. From the Maryland county that is home to the best Ravens fans to the best Ravens podcast; from the best collection of displaced fans to the best local craft brews that should be part of your next tailgating party.
Do You Tailgate?
Let us know what the best tailgate lot is and if your favorite isn’t here, give us the business in the comments section below!
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