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A Winner Looks Like a Loser

Matt Stafford Rams victory parade
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During the tail end of the L.A. Rams’ Super Bowl parade on Wednesday, Matthew Stafford and his wife Kelly appear to be asking a photographer covering the event, Kelly Smiley, to take the couples picture. Smiley has her back to the edge of the stage and to get the right shot of the Super Bowl winning couple, she backs up a bit – a bit too far.

Smiley falls from the 10 foot stage and after she does, Matthew seems to exclaim, “Oh my God” while casually walking away sipping a bottle of water. Meanwhile his wife Kelly looks mortified and attempts to come to Smiley’s aid. (If the video starts at the beginning, advance it to 1:57:55).

Clearly this is a very bad look for Stafford who has always seemed to career himself with class and has come off as an all-around good guy – at least publicly. This behavior tells a different tale.

Smiley suffered a fractured spine and broke her cameras during the fall. A GoFundMe page has been set up to help Smiley with medical bills and to replace the equipment needed for her livelihood.

Stafford should foot that bill and repair his public image that has taken a severe hit. Until such time, here’s how everyone can help Smiley.

Smiley would later Tweet out that she was ok and then followed that up with:

This incident conjured up memories of Lamar Jackson’s sideline collision with a photographer although to Lamar’s credit, he handled it with style and grace. Maybe Stafford should watch the video below and seize the opportunity to fix this public relations disaster.

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